My name is Ada Smith and I am ten years old. The year is currently 1923 but the most exciting and devastating parts of my life began four years ago, beginning in 1939. I was born with a clubfoot and because of this, my Mam hated me. She kept me inside at all times, never allowing me out. The closest I got to going outside was looking out the window inside out one room flat. One day,I overheard my Mam telling my brother that they will bomb London and she is thinking about sending him to the countryside where he will be safe. I would not be going. Because of this, I decided to run away and go with Jamie to the countryside. We got on a train and went to a train station in the countryside. Because none of the people who lived in the town would take us in, we were driven to a woman's house. Her name was Ms. Susan Smith. She did not want to take us in, but she was forced to. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. At her house, I got to learn how to ride a horse, read, write, sew, knit, and so many more things, but this all came to a halt when my Mam came to take Jamie and I back. We were take to her house when a siren started going off. This meant that the Germans were dropping bombs. Jamie and I hurried out of the apartment, but we couldn't get out fast enough. The bombs began dropping before we got off the stairs. A bomb went off right behind me making me fly through the air. After the bombs were finished, we found Ms. Smith looking for us. We were reunited at last.