Where I've lived/ where I've been

In the beginning of my life, I lived with my mother in our one room apartment. I didn't care about it being small because I could get around in it. I also was not allowed to leave, so I never knew about the great outdoors or even simple things like grass. When I heard that London could be bombed, and I would have to stay at home, I escaped. I could not stay there and be killed. To get out of London, we went on a train to the countryside. The train was crowded with children of all ages.A kid threw up in the corner during the train ride. When we finally made it to the countryside, we stopped at the train station where people from the village would come and pick someone to take care of. Jamie and I were not picked so we went to a lady's house. Her name was Ms.Smith. She took us in and took care of us. Later on, our mother came back to fetch us. We went to her new flat which was two rooms, but not the same as Ms. Smith's house. Finally, Ms. Smith came to take us back to live with her.